Optional Blog

Society can look around and see a group of people, and online you can know everything about them.  To those close to you, this is an accepted phenomenon; we tend to focus on the positive of knowing personal information and releasing it just the same.  “The Internet is the meeting point …It is a social machine, part technology, part institution formation…and also the identity experience producing new individual and collective behaviors” (Ulmer Interview).  The “personal database” exercise functions in many different ways, it allows for onlookers to try and decipher the complex mind of the creator, it also paints a picture of a small portion of a single unique mind, while working to become a story and disjointed piece of art all on its own.  These individual, personal thoughts relay to those who see it, communicating the deepest corners of the mind, even if the message received isn’t clear.  This concept is different from the others we have covered because there is no concrete idea, no concrete way that someone can depict their own mind.  This project is very much focused on expression and that is what makes it so unique.

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